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作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-01-03 13:34:04
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-01-03 13:39:04
    Derek Parfit (1942-2017)
    By Justin W.. January 2, 2017 at 11:08 am 12
    Philosopher Derek Parfit died last night, according to several sources. He was emeritus fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University, Global Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at New York University, and also had held appointments at Harvard University and Rutgers University.
    Parfit was an ingenious philosopher, by all reports a kind colleague, and an especially generous teacher.
    His first book, Reasons and Persons (1984), was extraordinarily influential, setting the agenda for an enormous amount of work in normative moral philosophy. His more recent two-volume On What Matters (2011) expanded on some of those earlier ideas and presented his considered views on matters in metaethics and the overall project of moral philosophy.
    In 2014 Parfit won the Rolf Schock Prize in Philosophy.
    In 2011 The New Yorker published a lengthy profile of him.
    (I will be updating this post with further information and links to other memorial notices later.)
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-01-03 13:40:33
    John Berger
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-01-03 13:41:30
     John Berger, art critic and author, dies aged 90
    Booker-prize-winning author of titles including Ways of Seeing, G and A Painter of our Time had been living in Paris
     Interview: ‘If I’m a storyteller it’s because I listen’
    John Berger
    John Berger’s Way of Seeing was made into a BBC series in 1972, the same year he won the Booker prize for G. Photograph: Ulf Andersen/Getty Images
    Mark Brown, Arts correspondent
    Monday 2 January 2017 20.23 GMT
    Last modified on Tuesday 3 January 2017 00.50 GMT
    John Berger, the Booker-prize-winning novelist and visionary writer who helped transform the way a generation looked at and perceived art, has died aged 90.
    Berger had a profound effect on how visual art was appreciated with his book Ways of Seeing and the 1972 BBC television series based on it.
    The actor and director Simon McBurney tweeted his reaction to Berger’s death:
     Simon McBurney (@SimonMcBurney)
     Listener, grinder of lenses, poet, painter, seer. My Guide. Philosopher. Friend. John Berger left us this morning. Now you are everywhere.
     January 2, 2017
    Berger’s publisher, Verso Books, also tweeted in reaction to his death:
     Verso Books (@VersoBooks)
     Rest in power John Berger (1926-2017) 💔 https://t.co/HSIVBy0D8J
     January 2, 2017
    Art and the wider world seemed to make more sense after watching Berger on the BBC, with his piercing blue eyes, steady delivery and groovy seventies shirt, eloquently explain perspective or the idealisation of the nude.
    John Berger obituary
    Read more
    Susan Sontag once described Berger as peerless in his ability to make “attentiveness to the sensual world” meet “imperatives of conscience”. Jarvis Cocker, to mark a recent book of essays about Berger, said: “There are a few authors that can change the way you look at the world through their writing and John Berger is one of them.”
    In reaction to the news of his death, artist David Shrigley called Berger “the best ever writer on art”, and author Jeanette Winterson praised him as “an energy source in a depleted world”.
     David Shrigley (@davidshrigley)
     Goodbye John Berger. You will be greatly missed. The ever best writer on art.
     January 2, 2017
     JEANETTE WINTERSON (@Wintersonworld)
     John Berger gone. That is hard. He was an energy source in a depleted world.
     January 2, 2017
    Berger lived for many years in a remote farmhouse in the French Alps, to where the British Library’s Jamie Andrews had to travel when the institution acquired Berger’s literary archive in 2009.
    More recently he lived in Antony, a suburb of Paris. It was from there he gave one of his final interviews with the Observer’s Kate Kellaway, giving his view, among other things, on the bigger picture around the Brexit vote. “It seems to me that we have to return, to recapitulate what globalisation meant, because it meant that capitalism, the world financial organisations, became speculative and ceased to be first and foremost productive, and politicians lost nearly all their power to take political decisions – I mean politicians in the traditional sense. Nations ceased to be what they were before.”
    Berger was a lifelong Marxist, a vehement critic of capitalism. He began his career as a painter before turning to writing, becoming an art critic for the New Statesman. He published his first novel, A Painter of our Time, in 1958.
    Artist, visionary and writer - John Berger is undimmed at 90
    Read more
    His picaresque novel G won the Booker prize in 1972. Subsequent winners of the prize are routinely asked what they are going to do with the generous prize money and no-one has been able to better what Berger did. Disdainful of Booker McConnell’s historical association with indentured labour in the Caribbean, he said he would donate half the cash to the British Black Panthers, who were “the black movement with the socialist and revolutionary perspective that I find myself most in agreement with in this country”.
    He kept the other half to support his work on a study of migrant workers which became the book with photographer Jean Mohr, A Seventh Man.
作者:jiangxiaoyin 提交日期:2017-01-16 10:35:32
作者:临邛山人 提交日期:2017-01-19 22:03:17
作者:临邛山人 提交日期:2017-01-19 22:05:00
作者:临邛山人 提交日期:2017-01-19 22:08:13
    1月18日17点25分, 著名古文字学家、考古学家、书法家、西泠印社社员张颔先生逝世,享年97岁。
作者:chinesefengchao 提交日期:2017-01-22 17:43:52
作者:临邛山人 提交日期:2017-01-25 21:44:35
作者:zzyqh 提交日期:2017-01-30 09:16:36
作者:持节云中 提交日期:2017-02-15 19:11:58
作者:两暮轩主人 提交日期:2017-02-18 11:02:01
作者:摸摸 提交日期:2017-02-19 01:37:32
作者:爽口马老 提交日期:2017-02-19 14:55:44
    作者:摸摸 提交日期:2017-02-19 01:37:32
    什么 破摸摸:(((
    你的这个,和文史古籍 和文学艺术 一点不沾边
作者:摸摸 提交日期:2017-02-19 22:59:23
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-05-06 18:01:07
    今天 16:34 来自 微博 weibo.com
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-05-08 19:12:09
    国家最高科技奖得主吴文俊逝世 享年98岁
作者:zzyqh 提交日期:2017-05-19 20:36:26
作者:爱书族 提交日期:2017-05-22 13:58:22
作者:爽口马老 提交日期:2017-05-22 17:50:32
    另外 我永远不能理解98岁离开人世,有多不幸!?就是92岁也不是天崩地裂的惨祸!就是五亿年一遇的圣哲也应如此看待。
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-05-28 22:55:02
作者:ltfs 提交日期:2017-06-06 09:04:46
作者:司徒四壁 提交日期:2017-06-12 13:27:01
作者:lancelost 提交日期:2017-06-29 13:37:50
    Peter L. Berger
作者:持节云中 提交日期:2017-07-01 16:26:28
作者:zzyqh 提交日期:2017-09-29 14:25:12
作者:zzyqh 提交日期:2017-10-07 17:22:29
作者:持节云中 提交日期:2017-10-25 17:31:42
作者:jiangxiaoyin 提交日期:2017-10-28 21:15:51
作者:薛典 提交日期:2017-10-31 08:28:06
作者:zzyqh 提交日期:2017-12-14 13:16:08
作者:观古斋 提交日期:2017-12-14 13:46:57
作者:持节云中 提交日期:2017-12-16 19:07:40

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